Meet our Krewe
FOUNDER / PARTNERKaty Coyle has worked in cultural resource management for over twenty-five years. A historian by trade, Katy has extensive experience assisting federal agencies comply with the National Historic Preservation Act (NRHP). Katy spent over 15 years directing the History and Architectural History program at a national cultural resource management firm prior to founding Row 10, and she has worked extensively with both public and private clients throughout the United States. Katy has also been an historical consultant and subject matter expert on several different documentaries, including shows produced by PBS and The History Channel. She received her undergraduate degree in Anthropology from Bryn Mawr College and her Master’s in American History from Tulane University. Since helping to found Row 10, Katy has conducted a large range of diverse cultural resource studies, including initial cultural resource impact predictions, large-scale architectural survey, NRHP evaluations and nominations, historic preservation plans, NEPA substitution projects, NHPA consultation and agreement drafting, and HABS documentation.
My favorite perk of living in New Orleans is running into a brass band playing in the street on any given day.
FOUNDER / PARTNERKelly Sellers Wittie is an experienced historian and architectural historian who meets the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualification Standards in both fields. She holds a B.A. in History from Millsaps College and a M.A. in History, with an emphasis in Public History, from Southeastern Louisiana University. Kelly is the author and co-author of several National Register of Historic Places nominations, including hospital campuses, commercial districts, residential neighborhoods, and artwork. She has experience in the preparation and review of Historic Tax Credit applications and has secured several hundreds of thousands of dollars in tax credits for clients in the past seven years. Kelly has spent most of the past fifteen years advising federal clients on National Historic Preservation Act / Section 106 compliance. These projects have ranged from single building rehabilitations to the disposition of a campus listed as a National Historic Landmark. As part of these efforts, Kelly has contributed to many National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) environmental assessments (EAs) and environmental impact statements (EISs).
My favorite thing about New Orleans is the color. Whether the buildings, the plants, or the artwork, the city always looks dressed for a party.
FOUNDER / PARTNERLindsay Hannah has over twenty years experience in the preservation field. Her past projects have included cemetery documentation and tomb restoration, architectural survey, historic district recommendations, historic district guidelines development, supporting federal clients in Section 106 compliance efforts, development of agreement documents resulting from Section 106 compliance, Section 110 compliance, and initial cultural resource impact prediction studies on behalf of federal clients. She has also developed treatment recommendations for National Historic Landmark buildings, identified historic buildings for local landmark status, and recommendations for reevaluations and updates for existing National Register historic districts. Her National Register of Historic Places nominations include the steamboat Minnehaha, a national cemetery in Florida, a nationwide study of veterans hospitals constructed following World War II, and 17 historic districts across the country. A Secretary of Interior-qualified historian and architectural historian, Lindsay has a B.A. in history from the College of William and Mary and a M.S. in historic preservation from the University of Pennsylvania.
My favorite act at Jazz Fest is Sonny Landreth.
CULTURAL RESOURCES SPECIALISTAnne-Marie has over fifteen years of experience in the cultural resources field. Past work includes archaeological field work; cemetery survey and documentation; genealogical reports; historic home title research; and museum collections management. Recent work includes historic building assessment reports, specializing on the condition of the building envelope with proposed scopes of repair. Anne-Marie has a degree in Anthropology was from the University of Chicago and her archaeological training was through the Institute of Prehistoric Investigations in Santander, Spain. She also has a Masters in Preservation Studies through Tulane University’s School of Architecture.
Anne-Marie moved to New Orleans in 2014 as a traditionally raised, Midwestern head-bobber, and quickly fell in love with local history, culture, and traditions, such as smiling at and talking with the other people in line.
CULTURAL RESOURCES SPECIALISTTiffany has been interested in the historic preservation field since her very first undergraduate class—a class all about the history and preservation of New Orleans cemeteries. Since then, she has earned a degree in preservation and gained experience conducting chain of title research, genealogical research, and building analysis, particularly with historic properties in the New Orleans area. Tiffany has a B. S. in Psychology and a Master of Preservation Studies, both from Tulane University.
One of her favorite things about New Orleans is the many beautiful plants that thrive here, she especially looks forward to the months-long jasmine blooms in the spring.